What's more crazy that spending the night in a ger without a sleeping bag in -15 Celsius? Probably hiking up a mountain at midnight in the same -15 degrees. (5 Fahrenheit). Or driving down the road with 7 people and a dog packed into a car with 5 riding on the outside of it. And, where else is all of the possible, but in chilly, crazy Mongoland.
So, it was one of my friend's birthdays this weekend and for her birthday she decided that an 8 hour hike out to a monastery (which I skipped)and overnighting at a ger camp would be the best way to celebrate. So, 14 crazy people hiked out and another 10 crazy people joined them post hike to party hardy in some gers about an hour outside of the city. And, of course the ger camp was at the bottom of a hill/baby mountain so why not climb it in the middle of the night? I couldn't find an adequate answer so I climbed it with two of the other campers. It was cold, but gorgeous. There was a fully moon to light everything up, which made hiking easier. The stars were big and bright. And, all of the mountains and valleys we could see from top were lit up beautifully. Then I spent the night bundled up in my parka sans sleeping bag huddling between a fellow sleeping bag-less, parka bearing camper and the ger stove for warmth. Fortunately one of the guys in my ger used to live in a ger for real during his Peace Corp days so he got up early and re-kindled our fire. Which was awesome. We hung around for a bit in the morning before Jocelyn's car could get a jump so we could drive back to the city. Most of the people who hiked in to the camp on Saturday were hiking back out to a nearby town to catch rides back to the city. We crammed a few into Jocelyn's car just for the short ride - 7 and a puppy in total. Then when we passed some of the hikers on their way to town to catch a ride a few of them jumped on the car and stood on the runners and held on for the 5k ride to town. All in all we had 12 people and a puppy in or on the car until we got to town. And from there back to the city it was a mostly normal car ride.
Today is team day for MC Mongolia complete with massages at home (from a blind Mongolian lady trained in Japanese style massage - whatever that means), dinner and movies. Yay!