Sunday, July 25, 2010

Eye Cold

There are a lot of things that I did or experienced as a child that I just didn't understand or appreciate at the time. And, now that I'm older, I can fully appreciate these things because some things just get better with age. Pink eye is not one of those things. It still sucks even when you're not a kid. Itchy, puffy, oozy, gross pink eye.

Dear Camp Kids,
I love you, but stop giving me diseases. K, Thanks.
Love Brijt Teacher.


I spent all of last week back in the city to catch up on AIESEC work. Most of my attempts at catching up on AIESEC work were foiled either by getting nailed with more hours for my second, not-as-important job or blackouts during my only free hours of the day. Oh adventures. Teaching in the city has made me appreciate camp-time even more. The kids in the city are just boring. I pretty much have to threaten them with torture and almost certain death to get them to talk at all. Except this one girl, who NEVER shuts up. I don't think she's aware that she signed up for a group class instead of a tutoring session. She doesn't give other kids a chance to talk. And, one day when we were playing a game (which the rest of the class was enjoying - I asked them to make sure) she actually asked if we could do book work instead. What. The. Fuck. Crazy child. There's another boy who is apparently a model. And, so some of the days he just decided not to wear a shirt. He had a cardigan on over his chest. But, no shirt. Just a cardigan. I was very confused. And, kind of wanted to laugh at him, but I can't dress myself for shit - so who am I to judge.
But, most of my week consisted of wallowing because I had to teach or pouting because the electricity (and internet) was out again, or sleeping.

We did have a Polish guy staying with us last week - and AIESECer friend of a friend who was passing through. One night when we were drinking with and Aussie fellow and a German fellow, the German and Polish fellows got into a fairly long winded argument about WWII. Who was or was not a victor, boundary disputes, whether or not Poland is right to trust the US over its European neighbors in security matters now, and more. It was really interesting to listen to, of course not being European myself and not really know the European side of that particular conflict, I was mostly listening.

But, those are pretty much the highlights of my week. I should be able to go back to camp tomorrow afternoon. Unless the drops are making my eye worse by tomorrow. Then, I'll have to change the plan...

But, for now I have another week (less than) of camp. Some of the kids from the first two weeks are supposed to come visit this week, hopefully I'm back by time they visit.