Monday, June 28, 2010

RA and RE

I feel like today is a good day for lists.

Things I should be doing:
AIESEC planning
eating breakfast
Setting up a GMM schedule for Thursday
Getting more juice (because it’s delicious)
Getting more TP (because we’re almost out)
Not doing this…

Things I did not think I would be able to find here, but am pleasantly surprised that I did:
An awesome variety of chocolate
Really tasty juice
Colgate toothpaste
Garnier Fructis shampoo and conditioner
Charmin Ultra TP (even though we will most likely NOT be buying it as it is at least 20 USD more expensive than the 1.50 USD Mongolian off-brand)
A 10lb box of NesQuick
A 10lb box of Bisquick.
Refrigerated dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt – and all of it delicious)
an iTouch (another thing I will not be buying, but it's nice to know it's here)
A North Face Store
Designer labels
Victoria's Secret (I'm not sure if it's just the lotions, or panties too, but for cryin'out loud they don't even have that much in UTAH!)

Things I cannot find in Mongolia and wish I could:
Air Conditioning - not right now though because it has drastically cooled off in the last 24 hours...
Tortilla Chips
(But, there is a Mexican place down the street that I plan on trying soon, so…we’ll see)
English Language fiction (I know it’s here somewhere I just have to find it)

Acronyms for the day:
RA – Raised, as in a traineeship (TN) or exchange participant (EP) has joined the AIESEC repertoire.
RE- Realized, as in a TN has been filled with and EP or an EP is actually matched and working in their TN.