So, here goes post number two. This is a clear sign that I am totally and utterly lost on the semi-research project I have due tomorrow at 11:15 am. Ick-city.
*Warning: I am about to complain. Probably a lot. I apologize.*
I am supposed to be researching the international intervention into the Bosnian conflict in the early 1990s. First of all, the Balkans were a mess in the early 90s. Everyone was fighting everyone else and they all called themselves the same damn thing. I know that I only have to research and understand a tiny bit of it. But, I can't even wrap my head around the thing that I am supposed to be researching. Everyone that was not already fighting in the conflict due to geographical proximity had their interventionist spoon dipped in from afar. For better or worse there was a lot of intervening going on. So far, I'm not impressed by their efforts. (Although I am mildly confused). When will international actors/organizations get it right? How many humanitarian messes do they have to fuck up before they get a clue. Apparently a lot.
Anyways. Next on the list. My respect for the handicapable has soared in the last two weeks. I would be the biggest whiner if I was a born and true cripple. Fuck that shit about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It might make me stronger (at least on the right side), but it also makes me crabby. There is not a scrap of ground on UGA's campus that is a straight level line. And, I never realized what a ridiculous fiasco doors can cause. And stairs. And carpet. And driving. And walking... Told you being cripple would make me a whiner. Even more so than I already am. Power to the folks that can put up with this shit with more grace than I can manage.
*I think I'm done complaining... You're welcome.*
On a positive note, I am pretty excited about my paper for my Religion in Literature class. (How weird is that?) The Road + Serenity = awesome. I had to re-watch Serenity last week to take notes and copy quotes and the like. Probably the best paper preparation I've ever had to do. I've had a killer Firefly craving for the last month, but I want new material. I love the stuff that is available, but I want more. And, there is no more to be had.
In other, rather older, news. I went to The Grit for dinner about three weeks ago with Lauren and her friend whose name I always forget. It was a decent wait for a table and of course, the bench you sit on to wait is located directly in front of the ungodly perfect looking baked goods. Shame on you Grit for your capitalist placement of something I would not otherwise want to eat. Damn you for putting that grasshopper cake right in front of me and taunting me with the last piece. Now, in general I find that cake in restaurants is seldom as delicious as it looks. Normally it is pretty and colorful and tastes like cardboard. Even knowing this I made sure to reserve the last piece of grasshopper cake as soon as the waitress showed up to take our drink orders. Oh My God. It was amazing. Perfectly moist and chocolaty. With not too sweet mint frosting. Amazing. Now, I must purchase The Grit cookbook so I can not bake grasshopper cake for the next year because Mongolia doesn't sell vegetarian friendly ingredients... Oh well, it will be worth the wait.
Well, that's about the extent of the excitement for now.
And today's acronyms are:
EP or Exchange Participant. This may refer to one who is not a part of AIESEC but is still going on exchange with AIESEC or an AIESECer who is a part of the exchange process.
TN or Traineeship. These are essentially the same things as internships. They are the jobs that local communities (LCs) create for international students (EPs) to fill.
So, now we know EP, TN, and LC (you even got an extra acronym for your nickle...)